Mechanical issues take the cherry off the cake

After chilling with the dogs, cats and horses, we were in for some culture. The Serbian Orthodox monastery of Ostrog is one of the most important pilgramige site in the world to followers of the faith. Founded by Vasilije, the Metropolitan Bishop of Herzegovina in the 17th Century, it is situated quite dramatically against an almost vertical rock face, not far from the city of Niksic. All these people are waiting to kiss the casket of St. Basil It was dedicated to St. Basil of Ostrog, whoˋs remains are one of the things pilgrims come here for, to pray at his casket. The other is to pay homage to Mother Mary, who has a little chapel dedicated to her. Traditionally, pilgrims make the 3km way up the hill barefoot and make offerings of clothing or blankets (???) when they get close to the monastery. When my human was on her way up, she wondered about all the socks, scarfs, shoes and, yes, blankets lying along the path in the bushes. On her way down, she came across quite a few people ...